Saving lives and rebuild communities during times of disaster with Axis Innovation (2nd part)

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Axis Innovation

Proyecto apoyado por
Axis Innovation

Axis Innovation is a boutique advisory firm connecting investors and corporations with innovative tech startups. Our mission is to connect entrepreneurs with the right global partners in order to accelerate their business goals and bring new innovation to life

World Day of Love

Valentine's Day is celebrated on 14th February every year across the world. Largely a Western tradition, the day is now celebrated in a major way in the eastern part of the world as well in countries like India and China. The day is named after a Christian martyr Saint Valentine and is celebrated to commemorate the love between companions.

Últimas contribuciones

Moo vertido 30 boons en visitando el sitio web
Moo vertido 10 boons en amando
Rrrrbb vertido 30 boons en visitando el sitio web
Rrrrbb vertido 10 boons en amando
Rrrrbb vertido 30 boons en visitando el sitio web
Rrrrbb vertido 10 boons en amando
Djou83 vertido 50 boons en usando su fondo de premios
Djou83 vertido 30 boons en visitando el sitio web
Djou83 vertido 10 boons en amando
Rrrrbb vertido 30 boons en visitando el sitio web