Actively plant 1000 Argan trees in Morocco with FR脡 Skincare 馃尡

FR脡 Skincare

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2500 Boons
Boons collected

FR脡 Skincare remains more committed than ever. Faithful to its commitments, the company supports High Atlas Foundation in its actions to restore biodiversity in Morocco by planting thousand Argan trees.

FR脡 Skincare

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FR脡 Skincare

The first skincare solution for active women 馃挭馃挦

100% vegan & cruelty-free

High Atlas Foundation

The High Atlas Foundation is a Moroccan association and a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2000 by former Peace Corps Volunteers committed to furthering sustainable development. HAF supports Moroccan communities to take action in implementing human development initiatives. HAF promotes organic agriculture, women鈥檚 empowerment, youth development, education, and health. Since 2011, HAF has Consultancy Status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

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