Soutenez gratuitement la protection de la biodiversité avec Engie⚡️


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75000 Boons
Boons collected

Engie reste plus que jamais engagé dans la protection de la biodiversité en France. Fidèle à ses valeurs,  Engie soutient l'Institut Jane Goodall dans ses actions de sensibilisation et de terrain en faveur de l’écologie et de la protection de la biodiversité.


Project supported by

We are leading world group that provides low-carbon energy with sustainable energy


Our aim is to achieve #NetZeroCarbon by 2045.


The Jane Goodall Institute

« Chacun de nous peut faire une différence. Nous ne pouvons pas vivre un seul jour sans influencer le monde. » - Jane Goodall 🌎 🍃

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Boon member gave 10 boons in Like
Boon member gave 10 boons in Like
Boon member gave 10 boons in Like
Boon member gave 10 boons in Like
Boon member gave 10 boons in Like
Boon member gave 10 boons in Like
Boon member gave 10 boons in Like
Boon member gave 10 boons in Like
Boon member gave 10 boons in Like