Answers to your questions

Why register ?

Registering on Boon allows you to follow your Boon actions but above all to collect Boon credits that you can give to other projects you want to support.

What Boon means ?

Boon means a benefit, something useful. The word Boon originates from the Latin word Bonus and then from the French word Bon. At Boon Today, this is what defines the action of making a donation to an association funded by a company. The boon is a good action that allows to finance a social or environmental project.

How to make a Boon Action ?

To do a Boon action you just have to commit to the campaign content provided by liking, using the partner hashtag on social networks, watching a video, downloading an application or sharing the campaign link on social networks.

How do I use my Boon credits available on my account for other projects?

By accumulating Boon points you have the possibility to redistribute them in other projects by clicking on the icon of the project to which you want to assign your available Boons.

How can my Boon actions generate donations for associations?

Each of our advertiser partners has purchased Boon point credits to finance their social or environmental missions. These Boon points are activated when you interact with the campaigns on the platform and are transformed into donations for associations at the end of the campaign.

How do you account for my Boon actions?
Each "Boon action" has a different value because they have a different impact. The current values of your commitments are as follows:

10 Boon

Video view
20 Boon

50 Boon

Site visit
30 Boon

20 Boon

How does Boon finance himself?

Each Boon campaign has a fixed implementation cost based on the services requested by our advertiser partners. In this way, the donation budget dedicated to the association is a 100% donated to the association and your boxes are protected from the financing of our activity.

How to see if Boon is giving the money to the associations?

For each donation made to partner associations, we receive a signed donation certificate published on our website and on social networks.

Why can't I do several Boon actions on the same project?

In order for the budgets for donations to associations to be increasingly large, we need to guarantee our partners visibility and quality of commitment.

How to become a nonprofit partner ?

To become a nonprofit partner, simply click here and send us your contact details and the latest missions you have set up.

Who are our advertisers?

All our advertisers are committed to financing social and environmental missions, and are all part of a responsible communication and social impact approach.

Why use the Boon solution?

Using Boon for our advertiser partners is the guarantee of a communication that goes beyond the traditional marketing framework in need of meaning and source of a powerful user commitment with the will to act through an innovative and alternative means to the usual monetary donations to associations, the Boon.